1:1 Video Coaching
How to create videos that are well received
Learn to create great videos
...that bring you, your service, product and service to men and women.
Because pictures say more than 1000 words. Our 1:1 video coaching program focuses on increasing your visibility and optimizing your career opportunities.
In individual sessions, we highlight your strengths and your message, increase your presence in the professional environment, and optimally present your product or service to the market. We will also create a clear action plan for your future journey.
What are the benefits of participating in 1:1 video coaching?
Increased confidence in front of the camera: With professional guidance, you will learn to feel comfortable in front of the camera, which will strengthen your charisma and self-confidence.
Tailor-made video concepts: You will receive a video concept tailored to you that conveys your message effectively and authentically.
Professional video production: You will learn the art of video creation to produce high-quality content that delights your audience.
Access to valuable resources: Benefit from practical instructions, checklists and tips that simplify the video production process.
Personal support and coaching: Through individual one-on-one coaching with an experienced expert, you will receive targeted feedback and guidance to expand your skills.
Ongoing support: With direct support, you get answers to all your questions and concerns, making the learning process easier.
Increased online presence: By producing customized website videos, you can improve your online presence and attract more visitors and potential customers.
Effective brand communication: By creating ReelVideos you can effectively present your product or service and strengthen your brand.
Personal and professional growth: In addition to the technical side of making videos, you will also learn a lot about yourself, your message and your presentation.
Sense of community: You enter a community of like-minded people, which provides additional support, inspiration and possible networking opportunities.
Increase business growth: Effective video marketing can help increase visibility, engagement and ultimately conversions for your business.
Overall, taking part in such a package offers a holistic experience aimed at improving your skills, increasing your confidence and communicating your brand or message effectively.
It is an investment in your personal and professional development.
1:1 Video Coaching Programme
Package "Analyse" Video-Analyse
Du möchtest wissen, wie effektiv und ansprechend deine Videos wirklich sind?
Du willst sicherstellen, dass deine Botschaft klar und überzeugend an dein Publikum vermittelt wird?
Dann ist unser Videoanalyse-Paket genau das Richtige für dich!
Was beinhaltet das Paket?
Gründliche Analyse deiner Videos:
Wir sehen uns jedes Detail an - von der Bildqualität, dem Ton, dem Schnitt bis hin zur Gesamtstruktur und dem Storytelling.
Feedback zu technischen Aspekten:
Erhalte konkrete Hinweise zu Beleuchtung, Tonqualität, Kameraführung und weiteren technischen Aspekten.
Inhaltliche Bewertung:
Wir schauen uns den Inhalt deines Videos an und geben dir Rückmeldung dazu, wie klar und ansprechend deine Botschaft rüberkommt.
Empfehlungen zur Optimierung:
Basierend auf unserer Analyse erhältst du konkrete Vorschläge, wie du deine Videos verbessern kannst, um eine noch größere Wirkung bei deinem Publikum zu erzielen.
Ein persönliches Beratungsgespräch:
Nach Abschluss der Analyse setzen wir uns mit dir in einem persönlichen Gespräch zusammen, um alle Punkte durchzugehen und deine Fragen zu beantworten.
Package „Basic“: 1-Monat-Paket für Video-Starter
Videokurs "Die Kamera ist mein Freund"
Meistere den Umgang mit der Kamera und trete selbstbewusst auf.
Individuelles Video-Konzept:
Gemeinsam entwickeln wir dein perfekt auf dich abgestimmtes Video-Konzept.
Angeleitete Video-Produktion
Erstelle unter meiner Anleitung Deine ersten Videos.
Wertvolle Ressourcen
Du erhältst praxisnahe Anleitungen, Checklisten & Tipps
Individuelle Einzelcoachings (wahlweise):
Entweder 2x Coachings à 90 Minuten
Oder 3x Coachings à 60 Minuten
Standort: Zoom oder im
malerische Engadin
Direkter Support:
Ein ganzer Monat persönlicher Support - Ich bin für all Deine Fragen per WhatsApp 24/7 erreichbar.
Feedback zu Deinen Videos:
Erhalte den gesamten Monat über konstruktives Feedback zu jedem Deiner Videos.
Rheels Videos:
Innerhalb dieser 30 Tage erhältst Du zahlreiche ReelVideos, die Dir helfen, Dein Produkt, Deine Dienstleistung oder Deinen Service wirkungsvoll zu präsentieren.
Produziere 2 Videos für deine Webseite
Ein einleitendes Video für die Startseite.
Ein Persönlichkeitsvideo für die „Über mich“-Seite.
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... to question yourself and your life,
...to courageously and actively step out of the shadow of their previous success,
...to recognize and embrace their unused potential and greatness,
...to follow your inner call and thereby recognize your passion in the NOW,
...openly and actively trying out new possibilities and options
...doers and implementers.
Carmen Cornelia Haselwanter, with over 25 years of management experience in tourism, design/graphics and entertainment, is a renowned expert in empowerment, implementation and creative storytelling.
She passionately and actively supports people in developing their uniqueness and greatness and successfully showcasing them in their professional and private lives.
Her ability to connect with audiences through compelling stories and videos was recognized with the Excellence Award at the international Speaker Slam.
As an author, trainer and internationally sought-after speaker, Carmen uses her “ALL-IN strategy” to optimally position clients. She lives by her motto: “Go ALL-IN together and move up to the next level!”